
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If you give a 4 year old a camera...

He will take pictures of Mom's butt in flannel PJs...

Self portraits, up the nose...

Pictures of the Christmas tree (with staged train placement...)

What it looks like from his height, looking up at the bannister full of Christmas cards...

Mom blowing a kiss. Note the sex-ay flannel PJs and no makeup look. Hubs is a lucky, lucky man, indeed...

Mom and the big brother...

His lunchbox...

The plug-in, unplugged... (I know, I said it, too... "Why...?)

The ornament he made in school...

He is available for your next special occassion...weddings, birthdays, whatever...


Anna said...

He's pretty good!
The last time my 6 year old got the camera I had to do a lot of deleting for "inappropriate content" LOL Boys will be boys.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good. :) I asked K-Girl to take a picture of my newest carrier from the back. Well she got my backside, but not quite high enough for any of the carrier. *L*